Difference between Loving and Liking

Distinction between Love and Like

What is love? This age-old question has puzzled people for generations. Another equally intriguing question is whether there is a difference between love and like. To better understand these emotions, it’s essential to consider how they’re defined and perceived in different languages.

In some languages, such as Italian and Spanish, the concepts of liking and loving someone are distinctly different. Liking someone or something is seen as a passive emotion, whereas loving someone or something is an active choice.

The Passive Nature of Liking

When we like someone or something, it’s often beyond our control. We cannot choose what we like; we are simply drawn to certain people or things. In this sense, like functions as a standard. When we encounter something similar to what we already like, we are inclined to feel the same level of attraction or appreciation.

For example, if you like apples, you will enjoy all apples, and equally like the apples which have very similar look and favour. Similarly, if you are simply attracted to someone based on their appearance or actions, you may feel the same way about another person who possesses similar qualities. That is when you like someone.

The Active Choice of Love

In contrast, love is a deliberate and specific choice. When we love someone or something, it doesn’t necessarily have any bearing on how we feel about others. Love is limited to the object of our affection and cannot be easily transferred or shared.

Consider the example of a car. A car factory may produce thousands of identical vehicles, but you may develop a deep attachment to the one you own and have spent years driving. Even though other cars may look and function the same, your love for your own car is unique to that specific vehicle.

The same principle applies to human relationships. While babies may look similar, you love your own children and not just any child. Furthermore, you may have a deep affection for your spouse, but that love does not extend to their siblings, even twin siblings. This distinction highlights the fundamental difference between love and like.


In my opinion, love and like are two distinct emotions that are experienced and expressed differently. While liking is a passive emotion that can be applied broadly, love is an active choice that is limited to specific individuals or objects. Understanding this distinction can enrich our understanding of human emotions and relationships.
